Black Box Testing in modern Software

februari 26, 2024

Testing software at a high level means freedom of implementation and refactoring, while maintaining guarantees of correctness. This is something all good engineers love 💘

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application without peering into its internal structures or workings.

In my opinion, for complex systems and system interactions, one should default to writing a lot of black-box tests, and some unit tests where it makes sense, and leave other kinds of integration tests out of scope, until it might make sense.

# Black box tests are the best at BDD

Black box tests stimulate functional, requirement and behaviour driven testing.

Testing a system becomes simpler and we can cover many more “real” edge cases.

# Unit testing still has its place

Unit testing is an invaluable tool that should also be used in parallel to black box tests and other high level tests.

These tests are very easy to use, useful and give also good information about a system.

Ideally, your “core domain” should be fully tested, and your “business logic” should be encoded in more pure code, ideally as data.

# Dealing with dependencies

When we start using external dependencies in a system like databases, caches, external APIs, etc. You have 3 choices:

  • create and use mocks
  • create and use stubs (dummy implementations)
  • use real dependencies

# Mocks are inherently evil

Mocks are generally painful to write, read, debug and maintain.

They should be avoided when possible, we should use real implementations for most tests to a system. testcontainers is a great library for this purpose, and I use it extensively.

# Java baggage

Lots of developers coming from a traditional enterprisy JDK environment know what we mean.

This tendency of doing one class per file, and creating tests for every single class and every single method along with extensive Mockito ideology.

# The cure

No marrying the test structure to code structure. No testing every individual class when not needed.

Ensure we test functionalities, almost never test how the code is written / implemented (this gives flexibility and freedom to refactor).

Write many black box tests. Attempt to test all “user paths” and possible interactions with the system, good and bad, happy and unhappy, low load high load, etc.

Writing many unit tests where it makes sense. Preferably using data generators, property based, or auto-generated test cases, with a set of inputs.

# What’s in it for me ?

Easier and simpler tests of the entire system, tests have lower complexity.

Easy to cover 100% of a “user flow” or a “data flow”.

Low chance of false positives (partly thanks to avoiding mocks too).

This allows for a good test-driven development approach, and more confidence in product.

Testers require less technical knowledge, programming or IT skills and do not need to learn all nitty gritty implementation details of the system.

More loose coupling from the code means more freedom of implementation + refactor.