Shared Libraries with Jenkins

# Writing a Jenkins Shared Library pipeline

A good read to get started understanding about why and how we are doing this, is the Jenkins official documentation, which gives a good explanation about this, but quite incomplete when it comes an actual example implementation.

I have taken most of the ideas and the article from Adrian Kuper, thank him and me for this tutorial.

In this blog post I will try to explain how to setup and develop a shared pipeline library for Jenkins, that is easy to work on and can be unit tested with JUnit5 and Mockito.

This blog post is kinda long and touches many topics without explaining them in full detail.

In order to be able to develop deployment pipelines, in the form of shared library, we will need to set up a Java & Groovy development environment.

For that purpose we will need the IntelliJ IDEA IDE that properly supports Java and Groovy and has Gradle support.

You should begin by downloading OpenJDK 8 and installing to your machine, from here . After having installed the package, verify your Java version with the javac -version command, which should display something like:

$ javac -version

javac 1.8.0_231

Following that you should download the Groovy language SDK from here and unzip it into your SDKs folder. Then you should set an environment variable for GROOVY_HOME in your shell, for me ZSH:

export GROOVY_HOME="/Users/joe/Development/SDKs/groovy-3.0.7"

and augment your path with the groovy bin folder:

export PATH="/Users/joe/Development/SDKs/groovy-3.0.7/bin:$PATH"

You then have a setup that will be able to run Java and Groovy code without problems.

Then let’s create a new IntelliJ IDEA project. I suggest using the IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate for Jenkins shared pipeline development, because it is the only IDE I know of, that properly supports Java and Groovy and has Gradle support, and has excellent plugins, auto-complete and other amazing features. So, if you don’t have it installed it yet, go ahead and get a license.

Then you can open up the IDE and create a new project, select Gradle and make sure to set the checkbox on Groovy.

Next up, enter a GroupId and an ArtifactId.

Ignore the next window (the defaults are fine), click “Next”, enter a project name and click “Finish”.

IntelliJ should boot up with your new project. The folder structure in your project should be something like the following.

This is cool for usual Java/Groovy projects, but for our purpose we have to change things up a bit since Jenkins demands a project structure like this:

├── build           # Gradle compilation results
├── build.gradle    # Gradle config for this project
├── gradle          # Gradle runtime libraries and JAR files
├── gradlew         # UNIX wrapper to run cradle, generated by the IDE
├── reports         # Custom folder where our test coverage reports will go
├── resources       # Necessary resources to run your pipelines, think JSON files, necessary config files
├── settings.gradle # Advanced Gradle setttings
├── src             # Library code will reside here, this is the source code root, organised as a usual Java project
│   └── org
│       └── company
├── test            # Unit tests for the library code, the contents of this folder will mimic the src folder structure
└── vars            # Globally accessible (from Jenkins) scripts and methods, when loading the library
    └── pipeline.gdsl

Make sure to add to your .gitignore the .gradle, build, reports, .idea folders.

You might be wondering where does pipeline.gdsl come from, well that comes from your Jenkins instance, and depending on the plugins and features you have installed on it, the file will contain different content. This can be obtained from the pipeline syntax menu as seen in the picture below. This file will ensure that your IDE understands scripted pipeline steps. A message should pop up after having added the contents to this file, with the text: DSL descriptor file has been change and isn’t currently executed to which you should respond Activate Back.

Once you are setup with the project structure like above, edit your build.gradle so that it resembles:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.eriwen:gradle-cobertura-plugin:1.1.1'

group ''
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'cobertura'

sourceCompatibility = 1.8

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''
    maven {
        url ''

dependencies {
    implementation group: 'org.jenkins-ci.main', name: 'jenkins-core', version: '2.85'
    implementation group: 'org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow', name: 'workflow-cps', version: '2.41', ext: 'jar'
    implementation group: 'org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow', name: 'workflow-support', version: '2.16', ext: 'jar'
    implementation group: 'org.jenkins-ci.plugins', name: 'script-security', version: '1.34', ext: 'jar'

    implementation 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:3.0.7'
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.3.1'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.3.1'
    testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.+'

test {
    jvmArgs '-noverify'

sourceSets {
    main {
        groovy {
            // all code files will be in either of the folders
            srcDirs = ['src', 'vars']
    test {
        groovy {
            srcDirs = ['test']

cobertura {
    format = 'html'
    includes = ['**/*.groovy']
    excludes = ['*_build.groovy']
    reportsDir = file("./reports")

At this point we should have a nice folder structure and enough dependencies to use to get to our goal. Cool, it’s time to implement our shared library!

# The General Approach

First a quick run-down on how we build our library and on why we do it that way:

We will keep the “custom” steps inside var as simple as possible and without any real logic. Instead, we create classes (inside src) that do all the work.

We create an interface, which declares methods for all required Jenkins steps (sh, bat, error, etc.). The classes call steps only through this interface.

We write unit tests for your classes like you normally would with JUnit and Mockito. This way we are able to:

  • Compile and execute our library/unit tests without Jenkins
  • Test that our classes work as intended
  • Test that Jenkins steps are called with the right parameters
  • Test the behaviour of our code when a Jenkins step fails
  • Build, test, run metrics and deploy your Jenkins Pipeline Library through Jenkins itself

Now let’s get really going.

# The Interface For Step Access

First, we will create the interface inside org.somecompany that will be used by all classes to access the regular Jenkins steps like sh or error. We will start with a simple example, and then I will provide a more advanced one.

package org.somecompany

interface IStepExecutor {
    int sh(String command)
    void error(String message)
    // add more methods for respective steps if needed

This interface is neat, because it can be mocked inside our unit tests. That way our classes become independent to Jenkins itself. For now, let’s add an implementation that will be used in our vars Groovy scripts:

package org.somecompany

class StepExecutor implements IStepExecutor {
    // this will be provided by the vars script and
    // let's us access Jenkins steps
    private steps

    StepExecutor(steps) {
        this.steps = steps

    int sh(String command) { returnStatus: true, script: "${command}"

    void error(String message) {

Here is a more complex example, with more available methods. You can expand on this by looking at the pipeline.gdsl file and taking abstractions from there, both for methods, and properties.

import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.EnvActionImpl

interface IStepExecutor {
     * Current build environment variables
    public EnvActionImpl env

     * Current build details
    public RunWrapper currentBuild

     * Current build parameters
    public Map params

     * Shell Script
     * @param command
     * @return
    int sh(String command)

     * Shell Script
     * @param label
     * @param command
     * @return
    int sh(String label, String command)

     * Error signal
     * @param message
    void error(String message)

     * Stage of a Jenkins build
     * @param name
     * @param body
    void stage(String name, Closure body)

     * Execute closures in parallel
     * @param closures
    void parallel(Map closures)

     * Recursively delete the current directory from the workspace
    void deleteDir()

     * Update the commit status in GitHub
     * @param name
     * @param status
    void updateGitlabCommitStatus(String name, String status)

     * Send Slack Message
     * @param channel
     * @param color
     * @param iconEmoji
     * @param message
    void slackSend(String channel, String color, String iconEmoji, String message)

     * Accept GitHub Merge Request
     * @param useMRDescription
     * @param removeSourceBranch
    void acceptGitHubMR(Boolean useMRDescription, Boolean removeSourceBranch)

     * Archive JUnit-formatted test results
     * @param location
    void junit(String location)

     * Stash some files to be used later in the build
     * @param name
     * @param includes
    void stash(String name, String includes)

     * Restore files previously stashed
     * @param name
    void unstash(String name)

     * PowerShell Script
     * @param command
     * @return
    int powershell(String command)

     * PowerShell Script
     * @param label
     * @param command
     * @return
    int powershell(String label, String command)

     * Change current directory
     * @param directory
     * @param body
    void dir(String directory, Closure body)

     * Allocate node. Change execution of build to said agent
     * @param name
     * @param body
    void node(String name, Closure body)

     * Catch error and set build result to failure
     * @param params
     * @param body
    void catchError(Map params, Closure body)

     * Add Cobertura coverage report result
     * @param location
    void cobertura(String location)

And the implementation:

import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.EnvActionImpl

final class StepExecutor implements IStepExecutor {
    // this will be provided by the vars script and
    // let's us access Jenkins steps
    private steps

    public EnvActionImpl env
    public RunWrapper currentBuild
    public Map params

    StepExecutor(steps) {
        this.steps = steps
        this.env = this.steps.env
        this.currentBuild = this.steps.currentBuild
        this.params = Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.steps.params)

    int sh(String command) { returnStatus: true, script: "${command}"

    int sh(String description, String command) { returnStatus: true, label: "${description}", script: "${command}"

    int powershell(String command) {
        this.steps.powershell returnStatus: true, script: "${command}"

    int powershell(String description, String command) {
        this.steps.powershell returnStatus: true, label: "${description}", script: "${command}"

    void error(String message) {

    void stage(String name, Closure body) {
        this.steps.stage(name, body)

    void parallel(Map closures) {

    void deleteDir() {

    void updateGitlabCommitStatus(String name, String status) {
        this.steps.updateGitlabCommitStatus name: "${name}", status: "${status}"

    void slackSend(String channel, String color, String iconEmoji, String message) {
        this.steps.slackSend baseUrl: "", botUser: true,
                channel: "${channel}", color: "${color}", iconEmoji: "${iconEmoji}",
                message: "${message}", teamDomain: "teamDomain",
                tokenCredentialId: "token", username: "webhookbot"

    void acceptGitHubMR(Boolean useMRDescription, Boolean removeSourceBranch) {
        this.steps.acceptGitHubMR useMRDescription: useMRDescription, removeSourceBranch: removeSourceBranch

    void stash(String name, String includes) {
        this.steps.stash name: "${name}", includes: "${includes}"

    void unstash(String name) {
        this.steps.unstash name: "${name}"

    void dir(String directory, Closure body) {
        this.steps.dir(directory, body)

    void node(String name, Closure body) {
        this.steps.node(name, body)

    void catchError(Map params, Closure body) {
        this.steps.catchError buildResult: params.buildResult,
                catchInterruptions: params.catchInterruptions,
                message: params.message,
                stageResult: params.stageResult,
                body: body

    void junit(String location) {
        this.steps.junit testResults: "${location}", allowEmptyResults: false

    void cobertura(String location) {
        this.steps.cobertura autoUpdateHealth: false,
                autoUpdateStability: false,
                coberturaReportFile: "${location}",
                conditionalCoverageTargets: '70, 0, 0',
                failUnhealthy: false,
                failUnstable: false,
                lineCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0',
                maxNumberOfBuilds: 0,
                methodCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0',
                onlyStable: false,
                sourceEncoding: 'ASCII',
                zoomCoverageChart: false

# Adding Basic Dependency Injection

Because we don’t want to use the above implementation in our unit tests, we will setup some basic dependency injection in order to swap the above implementation with a mock during unit tests. If you are not familiar with dependency injection, you should probably read up about it, since explaining it here would be out-of-scope, but you might be fine with just copy-pasting the code in this chapter and follow along.

So, first we create the org.somecompany.ioc package and add an IContext interface:

package org.somecompany.ioc

import org.somecompany.IStepExecutor

interface IContext {
    IStepExecutor getStepExecutor()

Again, this interface will be mocked for our unit tests. But for regular execution of our library we still need an default implementation:

package org.somecompany.ioc

import org.somecompany.IStepExecutor
import org.somecompany.StepExecutor

class DefaultContext implements IContext, Serializable {
    // the same as in the StepExecutor class
    private steps

    DefaultContext(steps) {
        this.steps = steps

    IStepExecutor getStepExecutor() {
        return new StepExecutor(this.steps)

To finish up our basic dependency injection setup, let’s add a “context registry” that is used to store the current context (DefaultContext during normal execution and a Mockito mock of IContext during unit tests):

package org.somecompany.ioc

class ContextRegistry implements Serializable {
    private static IContext context

    static void registerContext(IContext context) {
        context = context

    static void registerDefaultContext(Object steps) {
        context = new DefaultContext(steps)

    static IContext getContext() {
        return context

That’s it! Now we are free to code testable Jenkins steps inside vars.

# Coding A Custom Jenkins Step

Let’s imagine for our example here, that we want to add a step to our library that calls the some class that performs some data seeding to a database. To do this we first add a groovy script example_build.groovy to the vars folder that is called like our custom step we want to implement. Since our script is called example_build.groovy our step will later be callable with example_build in our Jenkinsfile. Add the following content to the script for now:

void call(
        String environment,
        String envFile,
        String dataSeederBranch,
        String deploymentScriptsBranch
) {
    // TODO

According to our general idea we want to keep our example_build script as simple as possible and do all the work inside a unit-testable class. So let’s create a new class DataSeederJob in a new package


final class DataSeederJob implements Serializable {
    private String workspace
    private String environment
    private String envFile
    private String dataSeederBranch
    private String deploymentScriptsBranch
    private String seedingEnvironment
    private String seedingMode
    private ArrayList<TargetRepository> repositories

            String workspace,
            String environment,
            String envFile,
            String dataSeederBranch,
            String deploymentScriptsBranch,
            String seedingEnvironment,
            String seedingMode
    ) {
        this.workspace = workspace
        this.environment = environment
        this.envFile = envFile
        this.dataSeederBranch = dataSeederBranch
        this.deploymentScriptsBranch = deploymentScriptsBranch
        this.seedingEnvironment = seedingEnvironment
        this.seedingMode = seedingMode

        this.repositories = [
                new TargetRepository(
                new TargetRepository(

    void build() {
        IStepExecutor steps = ContextRegistry.getContext().getStepExecutor()


        steps.stage("Cloning new content", {
            SourceControlUtils.parallelCheckoutCode(steps, this.repositories)

        steps.stage("Preparing application environment", {
            int status ="""
                 /bin/cp deploymentscripts/${this.environment}/DataSeeder/${this.envFile} dataseeder/dist/config.toml
            if (status != 0) {
                steps.error("Job failed! Copying env file exited with a non-zero status!")

        steps.stage("Running DataSeeder", {
            int status ="""
                cd dataseeder/dist
                ./goseeders-linux-x86 -env=${this.seedingEnvironment} -mode=${this.seedingMode}
            if (status != 0) {
                steps.error("Job failed! Application exited with a non-zero status!")

As you can see, we use both the sh, deleteDir, stage and error steps in our class, but instead of using them directly, we use the ContextRegistry to get an instance of IStepExecutor to call Jenkins steps with that. This way, we can swap out the context when we want to unit test the build() method later.

Now we can finish our script in vars folder, which in this case will also send a Slack message on failure:

void call(
        String environment,
        String envFile,
        String dataSeederBranch,
        String deploymentScriptsBranch
) {
    IStepExecutor steps = ContextRegistry.getContext().getStepExecutor()

    try {
        DataSeederJob buildExecutor = new DataSeederJob(
                steps.params["SeedingEnvironment"] as String,
                steps.params["SeedingMode"] as String
    } catch (e) {
        throw e
    } finally {
        String result = JobStatus.Success
        if (steps.currentBuild.getResult() != null) {
            result = steps.currentBuild.getResult()

        switch (result) {
            case JobStatus.Failure:
                        %s - TEST PIPELINE FRAMEWORK
                        PARAMETERS: %s

First, we set the context with the context registry. Since we are not in a unit test, we use the default context. The this that gets passed into registerDefaultContext() will be saved by the DefaultContext inside its private steps variable and is used to access Jenkins steps. After registering the context, we are free to instantiate our MsBuild class and call the build() method doing all the work.

Nice, our vars script is finished. Now we only have to write some unit tests for our Job class.

# Adding Unit Tests

At this point writing unit tests should be business as usual. We create a new test class JobTest inside the test folder with package Before every test, we use Mockito to mock the IContext and IStepExecutor interfaces and register the mocked context. Then we can simply create a new Job instance in our test and verify the behaviour of our build() method.

Here is the data seeder test class:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify

final class DataSeederJobTest {
    private DataSeederJob sut

    protected IContext context
    protected IStepExecutor steps

    void setup() {
        context = mock(IContext.class)
        steps = mock(IStepExecutor.class)



    void setupJob() {
        String workspace = "workspace"
        String environment = "environment"
        String envFile = "envFile"
        String dataSeederBranch = "dataSeederBranch"
        String deploymentScriptsBranch = "deploymentScriptsBranch"
        String seedingEnvironment = "seedingEnvironment"
        String seedingMode = "seedingMode"

        this.sut = new DataSeederJob(

    void jobBuildCallsDeleteDirStep() {


    void jobBuildCallsStageSteps() {

        verify(steps, times(3)).stage(anyString(), any(Closure))

Another test class with several example tests, but unrelated to the data seeder:


import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when

final class GenericGoJobTest {
    private GenericGoJob sut

    private String workspace = "workspace"
    private String appName = "appName"
    private String releaseDir = "releaseDir"
    private String repoName = "repoName"
    private String serviceName = "serviceName"
    private Boolean shouldUnitTest = false
    private Boolean deployToDifferentAgents = false
    private ArrayList<String> destinationAgents = ["destinationAgent"]
    private String mainGoFileLocation = "mainGoFileLocation"

    protected IContext context
    protected IStepExecutor steps

    void setup() {
        context = mock(IContext.class)
        steps = mock(IStepExecutor.class)



    void setupJob() {
        this.sut = new GenericGoJob(

    void verifyJobCallsDeleteDir() {


    void verifyJobCallsStagesCorrectAmountOfTimes() {

        verify(steps, times(5)).stage(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyJobCallsStagesCorrectAmountOfTimesWithDifferentAgentOption() {
        this.deployToDifferentAgents = true

        verify(steps, times(4)).stage(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyJobDoesNotCallNode() {

        verify(steps, times(0)).node(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyJobCallsNodeWithDifferentAgentOption() {
        this.deployToDifferentAgents = true

        verify(steps, times(1)).node(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyJobCallsStageOneMoreTimeWithUnitTests() {
        this.shouldUnitTest = true

        verify(steps, times(6)).stage(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyJobCallsNodeMultipleTimesWithDifferentAgentOption() {
        this.deployToDifferentAgents = true
        this.destinationAgents = [


        verify(steps, times(5)).node(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyDeployGoSystemServiceCallsDir() {

        verify(steps, times(1)).dir(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyBuildGoApplicationCallsSh() {

        verify(steps, times(1)).sh(anyString())

    void verifyBuildGoApplicationCallsError() {



    void verifyUnitTestApplicationCallsStage() {

        verify(steps, times(1)).stage(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyDeployBuildCallsNodeCorrectly() {
        this.deployToDifferentAgents = true
        this.destinationAgents = [

        verify(steps, times(5)).node(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyDeployBuildCallsStageCorrect() {

        verify(steps, times(1)).stage(anyString(), any(Closure))

    void verifyPrepareStashContentCallsSh() {

        verify(steps, times(2)).sh(anyString())

    void verifyPrepareStashCallsError() {


        verify(steps, times(2)).error(anyString())

    void verifyStashBuildCallsSh() {

        verify(steps, times(1)).sh(anyString())

    void verifyStashBuildCallsError() {



You can use the green play buttons on left of the IntelliJ code editor to run the tests, which hopefully turn green.

# Wrapping Things Up

That’s basically it. Now it’s time to setup your library with Jenkins, create a new job and run a Jenkinsfile to test your new custom example_build step. A simple test Jenkinsfile could look like this:

node('master') {
    // Load your library

    // call the script with parameters
    // if your call function does not require any params
    // you could simply do, which I prefer,
    // or simply example_build

Then you can decide either to add this to a Pipeline job immediately on the script box, or checkout this small script from SCM, that is up to you.

Obviously there is still a lot more I could have talked about (things like unit tests, dependency injection, Gradle, Jenkins configuration, build and testing the library with Jenkins itself etc.), but I wanted to keep this already very long blog post somewhat concise. I do hope however, that the general idea and approach became clear and helps you in creating a unit-testable shared library, that is more robust and easier to work on than it normally would be.

One last piece of advice: The unit tests and Gradle setup are pretty nice and help a ton in easing the development of robust shared pipelines, but unfortunately there is still quite a bit that can go wrong inside your pipelines even though the library tests are green. Things like the following, that mostly happen because of Jenkins’ Groovy and sandbox weirdness:

  • A class that does not implement Serializable which is necessary, because “pipelines must survive Jenkins restarts”
  • Using classes like inside your library, which is prohibited
  • Syntax and spelling errors in your Jenkinsfile

Therefore, it might be a good idea to have Jenkins instance solely for integration testing, where new and modified vars scripts can be tested before going “live”.

Again, feel free to write any kind of questions or feedback in the comments, or contact me directly.