Josep Bigorra


1441KH Purmerend


+31 639825138


I am a Software Engineer with DevOps experience that is always eager to learn, create solutions, perfecting my skills and taking on challenges. Living in The Netherlands since 2019, born 23/12/1996 in Spain.

I mostly program in Haskell, Scala, Python, SQL, Nix, Shell and the occasional other. Given the choice I prefer to design software using the functional programming paradigm. My storage engine experience revolves around PostgreSQL, MariaDB, ElasticSearch, OracleSQL, NoSQL DBs like BigTable, Redis, MongoDB, Firebase.

I love the Ops side of the projects and platforms too. To say I am a Nix and GNU/Linux enthusiast is an understatement. I like distributed tracing, infrastructure-as-code, CI/CD, type-safe languages and functional programming.

I love to create solutions of high quality and reliability, constantly improving, automating workflows, creating fast and solid programs, helping and teaching others and to express myself via my creations.


Software Engineer - Vandebron Energie B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands
August 2024 - present
  • Backend, async and event-driven services with Scala, REST APIs
  • Distributed microservices, Kafka, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch
  • Functional programming, domain modelling
  • Kubernetes and Docker, ArgoCD, Helm charts
Software Engineer - ZorgDomein B.V., Breukelen, Netherlands
April 2023 - July 2024
  • Experience in Scala, REST APIs, distributed microservices, using functional programming
  • Working with Kafka, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch
  • Integration testing, black-box testing, testcontainers, unit, E2E testing, security assessment
  • Python data pipelines with Spark and AWS Glue for a product tagging system
  • Amazon AWS, EC2, Cloudfront, S3 buckets
  • Introducing Nix development shells and flakes along with teaching and mentoring in reproducible builds
  • Kubernetes and Docker, ArgoCD, Helm charts
Software Engineer - IKEA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
January 2022 - March 2023
  • Experience in Go, REST APIs, event-driven microservices
  • Experience in Java, Spring Boot and Gradle, Maven
  • Apache Beam, Dataflow, data-pipelines
  • Google Cloud Platform, Pub/Sub, Serverless computing
  • Kubernetes and Docker, Terraform, Infrastructure-as-Code
  • Testing: Integration, Unit, Mock, E2E, Property-based, Testcontainers
  • PostgreSQL, BigTable, ElasticSearch, Redis, Firebase
Software Engineer, Scrum Master - Pro Warehouse, Amsterdam, Netherlands
November 2019 - December 2021
  • Experience with Go (standard & Gin) and PHP (Laravel).
  • Relational MySQL-based applications, with complex queries and multiple joins.
  • Database design, normalization, migration, maintenance, and backup.
  • REST API design, implementation and documentation generation. Secure-by-design practices.
  • Server-side rendering frontend applications, communicating with several APIs.
  • Jenkins Groovy scripted pipelines with unit tests.
  • FreeBSD & Linux server experience, jails and pf Firewall.
Back-end Developer Internship - Liderlink Business Solutions, Parchal, Portugal
February 2019 to July 2019
  • Experience with PHP and MySQL, CRUD operations, in several real-estate, hotel and personnel management software.
  • Heavy client-side scripting with JavaScript and jQuery in combination with server-side templates.
  • Android development, Ubuntu server experience.


Information Technologies Associate's degree - UAlg, Faro, Portugal
September 2017 to September 2019
  • Graduated with 190/200 score. Maximum score for the software developer internship.
  • Java, SQL, JavaScript, PHP, Linux, Excel


Englishvery goodvery goodvery good
Dutchvery goodvery goodvery good



I love playing classical and electric guitar.

I like building computers out of wood and other materials, blogging about my tech opinions and discoveries and playing strategy games sometimes.

You might also find me doing CrossFit, sanding furniture down, removing weeds from the garden, or improving my house.


This document has been proudly auto-generated with Haskell code